Cancer is so broadly posted about around the posters at your local hospital, it could be mentioned to colleagues that you’re going through chemo or even seen that the latest celeb has died from it. But no one really speaks up about how toxic relationships or people can cause such havoc in your emotional and mental wellbeing which ultimately can divide up cells in your body. It is a shame as anyone poisoning their own body is adding towards this eg. Through alcohol dependency or excessive consumption.
I remember seeing one singer from a band I used to listen to as a child from S Club 7. She appeared on a morning TV show and mentioned how she didn’t understand what was making her feel so depressed. And on realisation that it was her plastic surgery from the fake boobs that caused it, after taking them out. It is clear the surgeons/people praying on your insecurity, usually starting from their weak and insecure selves, will be waning off as we see people better understand what is causing mental illness and emotional distress. There is a taboo around it, likely because we don’t want to say it is the people that are close to us that are causing it as they are not able to reign in their negativity as well as heal but only project onto others and can cause trauma bonding.
Back in the day, on one of the earlier magazines I had designed and edited for, one of the women there kept suggesting to have all sorts of plastic surgery to the girls around her and made them feel so insecure. But she hobbled on one leg as she walked, as she had a prosthetic one on the other side and hence the need to fulfil her hollowness inside by promoting toxic body image on others. These types of toxic comments are done on their behalf to bring you down so they can make themselves feel better but they will run out of steam as they will only drown in their own negativity. This is the case for a few people I had lived with. They were so toxic that every conversation made you feel drained. And the fact that one of the girls’, named Davies, father had just died of cancer was no surprise. If he was anything like his daughter, he was heading the cancerous route. Even sitting for lunch, would cause her to go off and try and make the event an utter misery, shouting at the table and wanting to start an awful fight which had no connection with anything that would cause it from the ongoing conversation. I remember her shouting that I needed meds when I caught her out on her bullshit and lying – what a reflection on something she definitely needed to take. After hearing things like she and her boyfriend wanted to cut open the liver of the women of the neighbours behind their back including a small 8-year-old girl was enough to make you vomit when you saw her talk to the young girl.
So if you’re trying to avoid toxic and poisonous people that could lead to cancer, it’s not hard to tell who they are, as they will be constantly bringing you down especially in those quiet moments alone. When someone’s whispering something they think they know to you and weaponize it to harm you that is supposed to be on your team, they will be buried under ground and only a matter of time – where toxic waste belongs.
Yes! And the reason is that when you have internal battles that is usually what creates illness. Anger, frustration, a divided self ….